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Sunday Night Chit-chat

Time for another chit-chat with Carla! 

In Korea, a favorite past time on the ferry is to feed the seagulls Shrimp chips out of your hands. This picture is from my last ferry ride. 

What am I reading? 
Job postings. And my cover letters before I send them off. Yup, I'm back on the hunt. *shudder* Hopefully tomorrow there will be more positions for me to apply for on charity village. 

What are you watching?
My e-mails from prospective employers. Haven't turned on the TV or downloaded anything for days. Must. Get. Job.

What am I listening to? 
Currently, this song is on repeat. 

You can feel her agony in this song. Love it. Can't wait until Christmas to see my favorite play into a movie! 

What am I cooking?
Check it out.
creamy vegetable fettucine

Looking forward to next week?
I'm not sure - I don't know what next week has in store for me. Will I be employed or unemployed? Perhaps I'll look forward to laying in bed all day. Maybe have a "The Amish" marathon. 

Something I accomplished... 
Deciding on my own that I would stay in Canada! If my boyfriend asked me to stay, I would in a heart beat - but he's not that kind of man. "I'll support you with whatever you choose to do," he'll say. Or, "Whatever is best for you." He was willing to put up with another one year long distance relationship. What a weirdo. In the end, I realized I couldn't find someone as supportive and awesome as him...but I could find another position.

Thankful for today?
My entertainment book. I bought that thing for $50 and it's saved me $50 this week alone.

When it comes to shopping for clothes for myself, what item do I have the hardest time saying "no" to?
I've been pretty good at saying no! But if anything would be the end of me, it'd be a shoe sale. I don't know why but even though I have twice as many shoes as my immediate family combined, I always feel that I don't have enough. 


~Carla~ at: August 13, 2012 at 5:47 AM said...

Good luck with the job search! That never seems to be easy.. :( I pray that something comes up for you quickly! That's funny about the shoes...it sounds like me with blue jeans!!! *blush*

Mrs. Gamgee at: August 14, 2012 at 10:40 AM said...

Thanks for stopping by my corner of the blogosphere. :)

My Beloved is currently in the job hunt too, and it sucks. Wishing you the best of luck...

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