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Goals Galore


Because I've been in school for most of my life, September to me is the start of a new year. I have re-evaluated my life, and I'm ready to get off my ass and start pursuing some difficult but feel-so-good-if-accomplished goals...

GMAT Score ~ 700+
For some reason, the only MBA program that caught my eye was at York University - the 9th best business school in the world. Oh why oh why do I want to go to a school that's ranked higher than Yale, Duke, Cornell and MIT? That just means more work for me.

I'm going to take my GMAT in the new year, and I want to make it to at least the 92nd percentile. It should be enough to compensate for my not so stellar grades. This will be my biggest challenge because I'm not smart. It'll take a lot of self-discipline - something I don't have a good track record on. I'm still unsure if I even have the capacity to get such a high grade no matter how hard I study. But my sister and boyfriend thinks I can make it. *shrugs* Maybe they know something I don't?  

Healthy Living - 15 pounds 
One advice a high scoring MBA candidate gave me is to be physically healthy to ensure I'm mentally fit. I usually suck at keeping a healthy regimen...but I'll try again. This time with a partner: My boyfriend. He has a $1000 bet with 7 others on who can lose the most weight by December. A $8000 prize is a great incentive to keep him motivated! Together, we can eat super healthy, golf and hike and things like that.

UPDATE: He just offered me an awesome incentive; he'll take me up north to see the aurora borealis if I can lose 15 pounds by December 4th, 2012! 

It seems that I'm stuck in my old dingy house for a while. There's no way I'm going to study for my GMAT on the floor. (My place has no chairs and only one table - a coffee table!) Fortunately, my friend is moving downtown, so he's giving me his desk. I'm going to turn one of the "storage rooms" into a study. I don't have much money, so I'll be frequenting the free section on Craigslist, garage sales and Value Village.  I hope you won't mind my future conglomerate posts on cheap/free finds and DIY projects! 

Just like everyone else, I want to get into hardcore blogging. I'm not sure how to approach this, and my English isn't very good...but I LOVE reading and writing. And it's great to read and write with a bunch of like-minded people. Moreover, I LOVE creating websites via wordpress (php ftw!) so this blog will be another reason for me to keep learning php. And who knows, if it's successful enough, I can add it to my grad application!


Savvy Scot at: September 5, 2012 at 3:18 PM said...

Keep it up :)

DC @ Young Adult Money at: September 7, 2012 at 4:17 AM said...

Best of luck with the GMAT! I will be taking it sometime in the next three years. 700+ is a high score, hope you stick to your goal because it's definitely attainable, just sounds like it would take a ton of work.

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