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Canadians aren't ready for rainy days


On tonight's Global News, the latest polls show that about 45% of Canadians have no emergency funds.


You need a steady job to have money. 

And I believe that factor is one of our culprits. At least for me. How many positions do I need to fill this year before I get a steady job? It looks like four minimum.

But Canadians have it good compared to our southern neighbour. We have medicare.


ff at: August 14, 2012 at 10:08 AM said...

It is scary how many people don't have emergency funds! They're crucially important. I am jealous that you guys have medicare...though I'm hoping this healthcare bill is a step in the right direction...

Vancity Tightwad at: August 17, 2012 at 7:19 AM said...

Canada's prime rate is still low, so the gov't is still encouraging Canadians to spend, spend, spend. Hopefully they are aware of these facts and once the economy is back on its feet - they can increase the prime rate...

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