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Goals Galore


Because I've been in school for most of my life, September to me is the start of a new year. I have re-evaluated my life, and I'm ready to get off my ass and start pursuing some difficult but feel-so-good-if-accomplished goals...

Consolidating my Loans


Err...kind of.

I was looking at my student loan account information and was mortified that I would be paying over $4000 in interest. I only owe $8000. What gives?

meal plan #6


Since my boyfriend has been eating a lot of my food lately, he agreed to take me down south to stock up my pantry. I now have cans of tuna, canned tomatoes, three kinds of pasta, udon, coconut milk, tortilla wraps, a huge bag of cereal, canned clams, taco seasoning, frozen pizza, cream soda, soy milk, and ground beef. For me, free :) For him, $44.

Now all I need to take care of is the cooking and the fruits & veggies! Last week's meal plan:

recette de la semaine: spicy mayonaise

From White on Rice Couple
I remember when I lived in Korea and scoured each large supermarket for Sriracha rooster sauce. I couldn't find it. Then I took the subway one and half hours out of town to a Vietnamese neighbourhood and scoured their stores. Couldn't find it there either.  I was devastated.

Since I've returned, I might be slightly ODing on this stuff. It's so versatile - it's great on pizza, in noodles, fried rice, soup and hotdogs - virtually anything I cook.  And it's cheap.

My Cashless Envelope System


If I ever try to keep up with an exercising regimen, it'll last 3 months max. Why? I'm a lazy person. If I have a goal, but it's entirely inconvenient - that is, gets between me and my couch - there's no chance I will ever reach it.

And that is why I stopped using cash and envelope system. Do I see myself keeping every little receipt from every little purchase I make? How about consistently inputting my purchases into a neat spreadsheet? Nope and nope. Do I see myself regularly going to the bank for cash, separating them into labeled envelopes and placing them into my Louis Vuitton wallet? Ha! I'm not cramping my style.

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