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Why replace something you can fix?


I'm trying to fix things before I replace them. It's the single handedly smartest thing to do - but I never did it because I was lazy. And I admit, I was a snob. People who fixed things are poor, I thought condescendingly, I'm not going to fix things. 

Lo and behold, I'm poor and fixing things. But my attitude towards fixing things has flipped. Hence this post bragging about all the money I saved fixing things!

Rice Cooker -
Fixed for 7000 won.
Saved 43000 won.

Indoor shoes -
Super glued their mouths shut. Free.
Saved 40000 won.

Booties -
Resoled for 3000 won.
Saved 850000 won.

And my future savings:

Two pairs of jeans -
Sewing it up for 1000 won.
Saved 300 000 won.

Doing it myself!!!!
Saved 7000 won.

TOTAL savings?  475 000 won! ($412 CAD)


~Carla~ at: March 18, 2012 at 4:51 PM said...

Good for you!! We do the same! :) Everyone should really in this day and age, there's far too much waste when so many people have nothing! :(

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