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Weekly Summary Update


March is when a new semester begins. Old Native English Teachers return to their motherlands while new ones begin their expat escapades in a new and mysterious land.

I said good bye to the last of my friends on Wednesday. Their last meal request in Korea before they hop onto the plane? Indian. The couple is from a small town in the States, where Indian restaurants are still non-existent.

Last night, My neighbour scored us tickets to Yiruma, an internationally renowned and beloved pianist. The only artist that my migraine didn't hate. Worth every penny.

For groceries, I spent less than five bucks on spinach, garlic and an aloe vera drink from the local market. Next week is when I spend the big bucks on groceries.

Given I only spent 82000 won of the 100 000 won, I have leftover 18000 won for a nice pair of jeans at the end of the month. Not the best I can do, but not entirely horrible!


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