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To The Boyfriend


My Prince Charming,

I know the reason why you haven't taken a job for over five years is because you make more money playing poker.

I know people look at you and talk to you condescendingly. They've seen your losing days, your bad choice in clothing, dirty shoes and reach silly conclusions. I've seen your one losing month in the three years we've dated, I know your not a brand whore, and I know you love your pair of kicks to pieces.

I know that despite these rude remarks and glimpses, you never tell them you make double what they make, and that you have already bought a house for your parents. Many people like me, would have told them. You are an amazing person. You never cared about what they thought.

They never got to you before,. But now that they include my parents, the pressure is on. We concluded that if we can't wow them by becoming doctors or lawyers, we might as well wow them with our savings. I just didn't think you'd take it this seriously.

When you won that $7000 tournament the other day, you barely spent a dime, and shoved almost all of it into your savings. If you had won it last year, we would have gone to the Observatory, then go on a weekend trip and stay at a four star hotel. Times have really changed, huh.

Last night you came back from a fifteen hour shift. I asked you why you would risk your health like that, and you answered, I'm doing this for us. I told you to take a day off, and you said no. I teared up at that moment. I'm not sure if it was tears of sorrow or joy.

You've been working way too hard babe, I'm worried about your lack of sleep, and the amount of energy drinks you're consuming.  At the same time, I'm touched at this testament of your commitment to us. (Having said that, I'm still not going to take your money to pay off my loans.) I'm so thankful of your bad clothing choice. If another woman saw past your clothes and into your awesome soul before I did, I'd be devastated. Good thing people our age are so vain these days.

You are one amazing man. You are doing this the best way you know you can, and that says a lot about your character.

I love you.


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