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my versatile...RICE COOKER!

One of the downs in living in a place provided you for free by your employer, is that you take what you are given, and asking for more is just a sign of no appreciation. So I have lived without an oven and all the wonderful baked goods that come with it for 8 months. I have considered buying a portable one, but there's no room in this dinky place.

However, mandatory in every East Asian household, my employer supplied me a rice cooker. I have been eating rice for lunch and many of my dinners. Frankly, I am just really sick of rice.

Then, after asking a few expats where I could find cinnamon buns, I found out that the rice cooker doesn't just cook rice! You can make bread! Banana Bread! Cinnamon Buns!

That's not all.

You can make congee! Boil eggs! Soup! Scallop Potatoes! Apple sauce! About a gazillion other things!

I've been looking up creative ways on how to cook my handful of ingredients that I've bought in bulk to save money...and my rice cooker might just be the key.

I have bread in it right now...I hope it turns out.

Life just got a little bit better. =)


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