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Feb Challenge Update #1

Basic Rules
1. Don't unnecessarily spend.
2. I have 100 000 won a week to spend. ($90 CAD)
3. Triple student loan payment this month

So far, since I've arrived from Hong Kong Saturday night, I've only gone to the local market for some veggies, soy milk and eggs totalling up to 8800 won ($7). Hopefully these groceries last me the week.

The gas bill came. $50 CAD down the drain. =( !  I know I should be expecting this since it's been average -8 degrees, my ancient building's insulation is well, ancienct, I've been using the gas to cook a lot, and instead of going out everyday, I've been staying in. (Not counting this in my 100 000 krw allowance!)

This month, I'm going to try to keep the heat off, drink tea, and wear sweaters instead - hopefully next month's bill can be cut in half!

I sent $2000 CAD to Canada, and put $1141.41 in national student loans right away. My Low/No Spend February goal was to triple my student loan payment, but I decided to octuple it! It's rather risky considering my emergency fund has been depleted and I won't get it back until next week. Whatever, my credit card can save me if anything. =)

The Frugal February Challenge - where I will not spend unnecessarily- is still successful! However, I'm giving myself a small allowance on Valentines to grab some ice cream with a girlfriend! (Social interaction for sanity's sake is necessary!)

As for Low/No Spend February? So far so good! The gas bill is kind of a downer, but I think I'll get by this week just fine. =)


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