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I am saving for love: the boyfriend, the job, the parents


I am 23 years old. I know I'm still young.

I have a boyfriend who I've been dating for almost three years now, and he is the one.

I am in Korea, with housing paid by the school, and if he's not here visiting me, he's lives with his parents. We want to get married, and move in together. However, we recognize it's economically dumb to move out of our rent-free houses to rent one.

So we plan on having our first place together literally our place.

But before all this, before the wedding, I need to pay off my debt. As soon as possible too, because the interest rates can kill you if you take your time.

Then, after I pay off my student loans (fingers crossed) I'm going to be taking out another 30K+ for my MBA.  Can't wait. *rolls eyes*

But it's easy to pay off my loans, my parents tell me, get a proper job. No, I tell them, I'm staying true to myself. I absolutely refuse to accept a job outside the non-profit sector.

Lastly, because I can't please them professionally, I want to make my parents proud financially.  My extended family has a wonderful history of putting their money away and eventually becoming filthy rich. I'm an anomaly in the family tree, and my parents don't hesitate to remind me every Skype date: If you are not going to become a Lawyer you need to do what *insert family member that's close to my age here* does: Save. 

That's my story.


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