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Day 6: No Spend January

Leisure allowance
17500 won/ 75000 won(23.3%)

21550 won / 140000 won (15.39%)

I did so well the first four days! It's all falling apart now!

My co-teachers decided to order me bibimbap (without asking me) for lunch. I guess they think they were doing me a favour so I can't really hold a grudge against them. Well, that was 6000 won down the drain. I didn't even eat the whole thing. *grumble grumble*

On Thursday I'm going to be holding a Ramyun party for my camp kids. All camps are strongly recommended to have a food day, but the school doesn't have a budget for that. Yes, it's unfair, but I pick and choose my battles. I figured instant cup noodles would be the cheapest (about 500 won or $0.44 CAD per cup), so I headed to the local homeplus and bought 9 of them. 4500 won right there. They came with chopsticks, so that's good!

As for groceries, we picked up a few essentials while at Homeplus: soy milk, green onions. and mandu shells to make dumplings.  Mmmm.  5500 won.

Hopefully I spend nothing today!


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