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Day 5: No Spend January

Leisure allowance
7000 won/ 75000 won(9.93%)

21550 won / 140000 won (21%)

Yup, another day at school even though school is not in session. I am really looking forward to my vacation. I came back to the office from Winter Camp and the teachers told me I was joining them for some Buddae Jiggae, and that it would be 7000 won. I didn't really have a choice now did I?  *grumble grumble*

Aside from that, I didn't spend any money. I came back from school and yay! my boyfriend had passed his crazy/worried/anger/emotional-mess stage.

A church lady came by and gave me a kind of one-on-one bible study. (I'm not Christian, but very, very curious about it all). She comes by almost every Monday, and we surely but slowly go through the bible and complementary materials. Today she brought in a DVD about how the the creation of Earth and everything in and out of it couldn't be a coincidence. After all, everything is so beautiful and carefully designed. I didn't really buy the argument because they didn't have much to to back it up besides randomization couldn't have done this! But I'll stop right there - this is my budget blog!

Until tomorrow :)


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