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Day 7: No Spend January


Leisure allowance
24150 won/ 75000 won(31.3%)

24150 won / 140000 won (17.25%)

Yesterday was Day 7 for No Spend January. 

Again, my co-teachers, thinking they're doing me a favour, and me being to afraid to tell them otherwise, ordered me bibimbap. 

The boyfriend having a body check up planned for the next day, had a 7pm deadline for eating.  I sent him to the market to grab some onions (2600 won) and cooked him up a big meal. 

I went to a nearby orphanage where I volunteer at weekly, and taught them how to play the card game, cheat/bull crap. They loved it, and requested to play it again next week. I told them I was going to take that week off to spend with the boyfriend, but totally changed my mind a minute later. They looked so sad. I told them I will come next week, and we will play cheat again. Sigh, I'll probably be those mothers who have fat children because I don't know how to say no to adorable faces.  

Two weeks more to go! 


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