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Day 4: No Spend January


Leisure allowance
0 won/ 75000 won(0.00%)

21550 won / 140000 won (21%)

I used to love going out on adventures, partying, hiking, climbing buildings I shouldn't be climbing.  I guess sometime last year my boyfriend domesticated me, and I'm satisfied with cooking and cuddling at home.

Today we cooked up some breakfast, cuddled, goofed around, put on face masks, fell asleep again, and then woke up to have dinner with his cousin. She is the sweetest lady. She spent a year studying in Seattle  and had some lonely moments. After the boyfriend leaves, she told me to call her up any time if I'm going through similar moments.

We stopped by the local mart to pick up some eggs, lemonade, and spinach. And then had a wild night. Get your head out of the gutter and read the next post to get a better idea!


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