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Day 20: No Spend January


Leisure allowance
76150 won/ 75000 won(101.53%)

130750 won / 140000 won (93.4%)

Yesterday was Day 20 of No Spend January and because I already failed half my challenge, I decided to stay home. A church lady came to my place with her husband for our weekly Christian talk. I only had two working chairs, so we used the bed to seat the third.

Ever since the boyfriend left, I haven't been in the mood to cook. A warmed up tortilla with Nutella is probably the closest thing to cooking something. My milk was going bad so I had four bowls of cereal, a cucumber, an apple, a handful of pretzels and a spoonful of peanut butter.  I know, it's quite pathetic that the absence of a loved one in a foreign can make me so emo...but I'll get over it.


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