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Day 18: No spend January


Leisure allowance
76150 won/ 75000 won(101.53%)

130750 won / 140000 won (93.4%)

And, he's gone. Just like that.

I used to be proud of my unwavering blunt emotions. Only the Notebook made me cry once a year. Or something ridiculous like that. But this man, can make me cry at the mere thought of not being able to cuddle with him ever again, unless we pay 100 bucks for a motel room.

So yes, there were waterworks.

We had about 12000 won left from our week of spending, and we decided to use 8000 of it on KFC. I know right? We've been eating in most of the last few weeks to save money and when we finally eat out, it's KFC! They didn't even have popcorn chicken! Psh.

Anyways, I came home with an extra 4000 won. I have until Friday, the end of this challenge, to not spend a dime - unless it is for groceries or transportation of course.

Surprisingly, I've only spend 40 000 won on transportation this month. A very decent price considering I've been bussing to the next province and such! Public transportation for the win!

On the way back from the airport, I chose the longer route to save 8000 won. The old me would have never thought an hour of my time was worth less than 8000 won, but the new me...is just that pathetic.

But these stupid inconvenient sacrifices have to pay off one day, right?


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