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Oh why oh why haven't I been writing?


Since I've moved back to Canada,  I've been catching up on my old life and going through some personal things. But I'm back, this time in full force! Let me explain why.

It took me two months to finally finish an interview process for a school that's looking to send me to Korea (this time with better pay, location and conditions!). I haven't received their answer, but it doesn't matter much.

I've decided to stay in Canada.

In the name of love.

My boyfriend and I have been on the rocks, and after a three weeks hiatus from each other, we reconfirmed our commitment with each other. Another long distance relationship is the last thing I need right now.

I can get another job, but I can't get another him.

So while I, once again, hunt for a job, I'll have to be even more frugal. I need to be content with staying at home (because my car broke down and I have no money to fix it. and transit here is inefficient and expensive.)


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