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Grocery Store Spotlight: PricePro


Being frugal does not mean we have to be a slave to corporate giants like Walmart. Social enterprises like the one I'm shining the spotlight on today, make it possible for us to contribute to responsible organizations whilst living on a budget. 

Out of all the grocery stores in British Columbia, I'm going to have to say that I enjoy PricePro the most.  The grocery store is for customers who: is into responsible consumerism, wants great value, practices a 100 mile diet, likes customer service.

Their prices are relatively competitive, and their quality is pretty good. Their meat is from an actual in-house butcher - not a meat cutter - and is probably the best part of the shop in terms of value. They avoid all the hormone injected animals and opt for the free range meat instead. Once I was overwhelmed by the selection (because I didn't *gasp* meal plan), and a nice gentleman (that all my single girlfriends would have loved) offered to help me out.

As for their produce? You can sometimes find a better deal in the aisles of a Loblaw grocery store, but I must point out that the quality of PricePro's produce is usually superior. I can't confirm this but I have always felt that they were more beautiful, and have an extended shelf life compared to, say, Superstore.

I could go on about their bakery section and smiling volunteers but I'm just going to cut to the chase and let you know the main reason this place keeps me coming; it is a non-profit organization. That's right; all proceeds fund the Welcome Home - an organization that runs recovery addiction programs. Also, PricePro doesn't only provide funding, it serves as a training place for individuals to learn valuables skills that can be translated into the real world.

Overall, if you're over in the area, this is a highly recommended venue to grab your groceries.


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