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Weekly Summary


Groceries costed a great deal because, well, I went to Costco!

For my dining expenses, I met my friend for coffee last Sunday, and had a hot dog at Costco. I thought I was doing great with this month's challenge until my boss asked me to have lunch with her! I couldn't refuse her. She had been paying the last several meals, so I decided to step up and cover her's that day.

63 City is a huge attraction in Korea - where they have an aquarium, and art exhibition, and theatre and on the 63rd floor - one of the tallest building in Korea, a viewing platform. To hit up three attractions is usually about 33 000 won, but my bank is offering a special. This month we can go in for 10 000 won!

With 118000 won to spend last this week, I have ended up spending 93000 won. That's 25000 won to carry over next week. At this rate, it doesn't look like I'm getting that pair of jeans. That's okay, I figured that it's better to buy a spool of thread and youtube a sewing tutorial, and use whatever I have left (if I have anything) for a nice blouse!


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