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Feb Challenge Update #2b - changes made!

I'm not happy, so I'm going to make some changes.

Remember how I said I've give myself a 400 000 won allowance this month?  I confess, I set the bar way too high. I'm the kind of girl that would regularly blow
1 500 000 won a month. Even splitting that in half would be a huge feat for me. I shouldn't tighten the belt too too much. Yet. A karate guy doesn't start out by chopping pieces of wood in half, right?

I should take, as that Ramsey guy recommends, baby steps.

So, I've gone back to my old posts and edited everything. I am giving myself a
400 000 won allowance this month excluding bills (which should amount to about another 100 000). And don't worry, my definition of bills excludes credit card bills. Also, since my best friend is coming from Canada to visit Korea for 10 days, I can't ruin the trip for her by being a tightwad. I will travel smart with her, but not cheap. Thus, I will give myself an extra 150 000 for that week.  Hopefully, it's more than enough.

Altogether I will spend less than 560 000 won (~$500 CAD). If I can pull this off, it would be huge, and next month I can start trimming my "allowance" down. Last changes, I promise!


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