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Introduction to the Tightwad

It's that time of year again. The time of year where we are reminded to get ourself together...onto the next stage of our lives, whatever it may be. Grad school, marriage, weight loss. In my case, it's debt.

Within the next five months, I'm going to try to penny pinch my way out of debt without ruining my life completely. And write about it so you rich folks can get a kick out of my misery, or you college kids can learn a thing or two. Most importantly, I can look back and laugh at myself, or feel uber proud that I put myself up to a challenge. Only time will tell.

My situation is special. I am living in South Korea, teaching English for next to nothing. The school decided to place me in a very little studio where the stove is literally three strides from my bed and equip me with a mini-fridge with a very little slot they call the freezer.

So yes, my shiny new Costco card does have its limitations.

But this is a challenge I cannot decline.

Bring it.


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