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Day 16: No spend January


Leisure allowance
76150 won/ 75000 won(101.53%)

124150 won / 140000 won (88.68%)

Our good buddy from high school took us out for drinks that night - kind of like a good bye to my boyfriend who was leaving soon. It's been months since we went out to drink, just to drink.

The sober talk turned into a tipsy discussion about life and what we want to accomplish from it, to those trendy big hipster glasses. Once we left the restaurant, we bumped into a turkish man from Vancouver, and took pictures of other equally drunk people on the streets. Their English, they told me, is much better when they're drunk.

In the midst of it all, my boyfriend almost made me cry. He said that when he's out trying to make money, he's making it for both of us, for our future. How, unlike a couple years ago when he's drop a grand on a hockey ticket like it's nothing, he never spends money recklessly because of us.  That no matter what, we'd be together, the only variable is whether we'd be able to have comfortable lives or not. And he so badly wants us to have a good life. The thick and thin stuff.

I can't believe I'm at that stage. It's set. We want to spend the rest of our lives together. We're going to get married. It's just a matter of time. And who would have thought four years ago, I didn't believe in marriage?

Once I get from Hong Kong, I'm going to save like a mofo for us.

Yea, you can start barfing now. 


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