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Simple Hot Cocoa


Once upon a time I bought natural cocoa powder to make brownies. And never used it again. Until now, using one of the most simplest but yummiest recipes. It's not only great for winter but for a rainy vancouver (which is like, every day XD)

Even though most of us use hot cocoa and hot chocolate interchangeable -- there is a difference. Hot cocoa is made out of cocoa powder only, while hot chocolate utilizes both cocoa solids and cocoa butter.

There are many ways of making hot cocoa, but I like keeping my recipes simple and to the point.


  • 5 Tablespoons hot water
  • 1 Tablespoon Cocoa powder (or to taste)
  • Milk
  • 1 Tablespoon sugar


  1. Add sugar, hot water, and cocoa powder into a mug, stir until everything is nicely dissolved
  2. Top the mug with milk
  3. Microwave on high for 45 seconds. Stir. Check for temperature. Microwave at 30 second intervals until it's as hot as you want it. Sometimes the milk will foam up the first 20 seconds, so make sure you're watching it during that time.
  4. If you would like, top with marshmallows and/or whipped cream/dash of cinnamon


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