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Sunday Night Chitchat

Once again, I'm joining Carla for a Sunday Night Chitchat! (Even though it's Monday morning for me right now haha!) 

Btw Carla, I can't seem to comment on your blog...the school/country banned it or something =\

Daniel Sedin, telling us everything will be okay :) 

The Kite Runner...it's a page turner! I accidentally skipped all my plans to eat breakfast, brew a coffee, grocery shop, and clean my bathroom because I was so immersed..

The NHL Playoffs! Daniel Sedin is back from his injury! Today, the Canucks try to avoid elimination, a definite nail biter. (For a die-hard Canucker, anyways.) The horrible thing is that I have to eat lunch and teach two classes in the middle of it all!

Listening to?

Noodle soup avec carrots, onions, spinach. Fish sauce with crushed bird's eye chili pepper as dipping sauce. (What my mother used to feed me when we were poor. And now that i'm poor, I'm using her tricks!)

Happy you accomplished this week?
Oh boy. I wish I could say I accomplished something I was proud of. I'm more proud of a little boy's accomplishment. The orphan that I work with read a whole passage about ants, and answered the most of the questions correctly! It's amazing to see how much a boy's passion for something can make him improve in something he hates =D

Looking forward to next week?
My former co-teacher is inviting me to her house for dinner. Last time I saw her, she balled her eyes out because she was going to miss me. Haha I'm also going to have coffee with my boyfriend's cousin who is so inspirational and admirable. If I had someone to look up to, it would be her and Tommy Douglas. 

Thankful for today?
I have friends waiting for me at home after a year of absence. It's nice to know that out of sight, out of mind doesn't apply to me. 


~Carla~ at: April 22, 2012 at 8:22 PM said...

Hmm.. Guess cause my blogs so risqué?! ;) lol!

The pic is funny! lol! Mothers are always so wise aren't they?! Although we never realize this when we're younger.. ;) lol! Have a wonderful week!

lil desiqua at: April 23, 2012 at 2:14 PM said...

Haha I love that pic! And the Kite Runner was SO good! Glad you're enjoying it!

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