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damsel in distress


To Women Who Apply,

Sometimes you feel proud of yourself. Perhaps many people have called you a career woman, a new age woman, independent. You make the money, you pay the bills, and you feed yourself.

But then shit happens.

Screw this, I'm going to marry rich, you say to yourself. All you have to do is act pretty, make sandwiches and swipe your hubby's credit card. Might as well make your natural assets work for you!

Get that out of your head. It's a beautiful fantasy, but your life would be loveless and unfulfilling.

Every once in a while we have to remind ourselves that we will suffer. We will be broke, feel alone, and cry in our pillows after a demoralizing day at work. But we mustn't cry our eyes out and wait for Prince Charming to come in and solve our problems; having a man is a privilege, not a necessity.

Let's turn to ourselves.

Cry, cry, cry and carry on.


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