You live with your boyfriend for now, and find that Costco is selling 2 kg of meat for 20 000 won (~$18). If you proportion it carefully, you could probably make the meat last two weeks and a bit between two people. But how on earth could you eat the same thing, and not go crazy?
In my case, I learned how to cook Korean! Check out some of the food I made with the same stock of beef, for 16 days.
Bulgogi and Pajeon |
Bok Choy, Mushroom and Beef Soup |
Stove Top Tortilla Pizza |
Kimchi Beef Fried Rice |
Beef Mandu (I ate most of it before I realized I should have taken a picture) |
If my math is right, each of these meals turn out to be a little more than $1 CAD a person. Except for the tortilla pizza; it's $2 CAD.
I think I'm great with groceries. Horrible with wasteful spending though. Blah.
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