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Day 10: No Spend January


Leisure allowance
76150 won/ 75000 won(101.53%)

27150 won / 140000 won (19.39%)

I failed!

We went to Seoul tower on Day 10, eight more days before the boyfriend leaves. At the base of the tower, were a whole bunch of love locks on the fences.

What are love locks? Locks affixed on the fence put in place by a couple in love. They throw the key away to symbolize everlasting love. As a hopeless romantic, I just had to buy a lock for the boyfriend and me. It was pretty awesome. But with that, I went over budget.

Damn it. Over budget with 11 more days to go. Not even close. XD

I feel horrible.

But hopefully, I won't be doing anymore spending. The boyfriend and I are heading to the bank to finally change our huge bottle of change for cash. Cash that we'll be spending his last week here. So using that plus, the 200 000 won his aunt gave him, we should be able to survive, and hopefully, I have some money left over to pay a little chunk of my student loans.

Let's see how well we can do with our groceries budget...


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